Many young souls have asked me this question: "If God is love, why does he allow war and the killing of innocent people?" The answer lies in this Bible verse:
Bible / Exodus 15:3
The Lord is a MAN OF WAR: the Lord is his name.
Aye, let's ponder and discover if the preceding declaration is actual fact beginning with the atom. An atom is composed of two regions: the nucleus, which is in the center of the atom and contains protons (having a positive charge) and neutrons (having no charge). The outer region of the atom holds its electrons (having a negative charge) in orbit around the nucleus. Atoms fuse together to form molecules. All matter in the cosmos is comprised of atoms and molecules which are in constant motion, not still or at peace.
Matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) is in constant collision (at war) throughout the Galaxies. Stars explode and die, asteroids slam into planets, entire galaxies collide and give birth to larger single galaxies, or simply death and rebirth. God is constantly destroying and creating matter. Consequently, peace does not exist anywhere in the physical realm of atoms.
Let's bring this down to earth. There are thousands of diseases that can be contracted by humans, plus viruses and bacteria (known and unknown) that infiltrate the human body simply by breathing. Consequently, your immune system is at work (or war - fighting) 24 hours a day from your birth until your death. The same applies to your heart, lungs, brain, etc., even when you sleep. Therefore, nothing externally or internally is at peace in the physical cosmos.
Let's now bring reality into even clearer focus. There are armed conflicts around the globe on a daily basis. Humans have been fighting and killing each other throughout history. I have dubbed this fact:
"God's Cosmic Pattern Constant."
Of course, one will experience short durations of personal peace at certain times. However, this world was made for war games between good and evil. Peace has never been and will never be a reality worldwide.
The animals of the land and sea are even at war (kill and eat each other) 24 hours a day. Each animal must be ready to defend against it's predators night and day. Actually, many even prey upon humans. Therefore, one must be ready or vigilant not only for fellow human predators but animal predators as well.
Lastly, as long as EGO exists in all humans, there cannot be peace among the nearly 8 billion on earth. As long as one is taller, faster, smarter, stronger, prettier, hungrier, etc., than another, peace on earth is utter fantasy.
I hope that the preceding delivers greater understanding regarding God's true mind (according to the Bible) and the reason that he is not stopping the war between Ukraine and Russia.
Thanks for reading,
Prof. Robert Stewart